Arctic Safety
- Support the operations of businesses and network actors
- Strengthen the anticipation and management of and preparation for risks
- Promote the internationalisation of local actors
- Involve participation in national and international development and design processes
- Strengthen expertise and RDI activities and convey them for use by the businesses and region build and strengthen the networks

The goal of the Arctic Safety Cluster is to anticipate and ensure the smooth operating of business activities. Lapland’s location, sparse population, natural conditions and large numbers of travellers require risk management expertise, Arctic expertise, and network competence.
Lapland’s sparsely populated areas and low resources require all actors to join forces. Together, the businesses, authorities, research and educational organisations, municipalities and organisations form a safety network that ensures the safety of the residents and the smooth operation of businesses.
Arctic safety means responsibility at the individual, business, organisation and regional level. The Arctic Safety Cluster is composed of the safety of tourism and everyday life. The cluster’s beneficiaries include local businesses, residents, travellers, industries and the environment. The cluster’s activities and actors can be found on the cluster’s website
The cluster’s objective is to produce a visible and recognised network that brings added value to the competitiveness, internationalisation and vitality of the businesses, network actors and region. The cluster’s activities in international networks are significant and international funding is channelled to the region and its actors.
Tourism safety
The competitiveness and appeal of tourism in Lapland are based on its natural conditions and their sustainable use. The tourism safety network, which has been built together with businesses in the region and tourism areas over several years, is an operating model based on trust and cooperation.
Safety is a central part of the quality and competitiveness of tourism businesses. Cooperation, information exchange and joint development interests solidify the network operations and bring added value to all parties. The tourism safety cluster consists of tourism businesses and other businesses that serve the field. In addition, key actors in the cluster include support and development organisations, which support and serve business activities, as well as institutes of higher education and research institutions.
The tourism safety cluster is already strong both in Lapland as well as nationally, but it has also become widely networked on an international level. Lapland has joined the Network of European Regions for Competitive and Sustainable Tourism (NECSTouR). In the UArctic network, Lapland coordinates the sub-theme called Tourism Safety, under the thematic network for Safety and Security. In addition, the Digitalisation and Safety for Tourism theme network, which is also coordinated by Lapland, has been accepted into the European Smart Specialisation Platform.
Civil safety
Civil safety is about ensuring the well-being and safety of residents, businesses and other actors in peripheral, sparsely populated areas. It is a multi-sectoral and multiple entity that promotes involvement, services and businesses. Civil safety facilitates the provision of high levels of standards of living, well-being and employ-ment in Lapland – now and in the future. The local and regional resources can be efficiently allocated to the needs of municipal residents through cooperation between the residents, organisations and businesses. The management of resources and moving the focus from corrective to preventive work are at the core.
Civil safety has also been under development on a national level for several years. The civil safety operating model, which is based on network cooperation and joint management of resources, was developed in Lapland in 2004–2007.
The core of the operations is extensive cooperation between the political and official management of municipalities, organisations, village associations, educational institutes, the parish and entrepreneurs. Civil safety has also been seen as a good operating method in the EU. The European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) has granted the European Public Sector Award (EPSA) on regional innovation to Lapland’s civil safety operating model.
Reila Project online:
Digitalisation and Safety for Tourism network:

Arctic Safety
Cluster Manager Civil Safety:
Dr. Reijo Tolppi
+358 40 537 5815
Tourism Safety and Security:
Project Manager Eija Raasakka
+358 40 709 8160
Cluster cooperation in the field of safety and security – business perspective
The purpose of the Arctic safety cluster is to anticipate and ensure the smooth operating of business activities in Lapland. Lapland’s location, sparse population, natural conditions and tourism require risk management and networking expertise.
Markku Seurujärvi, the field manager of the tourism company Lapland Safaris and Petri Särkisaari, the CEO of the mapping and location technology company Mapitare, give examples of the opportunities cluster collaboration brings from their respective companies’ perspective.
– Safety is a theme that affects us all. The importance of cooperation is particularly evident in tourism. You cannot work alone in the tourism industry, emphasizes Markku Seurujärvi. It is in everyone’s common interest that appropriate safety measures are in place in companies.
Lapland Safaris has been involved in developing safety measures with various stakeholders for a long time. Safety training for tourist guides and other staff has been an important part of Lapland Safaris’ business since the beginning.
The tourism safety seminar, which was held in October 2019 in Luosto, Lapland, showcased the ongoing cooperation between the stakeholders. The seminar was organized by the Regional Rescue Services of Lapland and the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes) in co-operation with the Multidimensional Tourism Institute (MTI) and Lapland Safaris. These security seminars provide networking and training opportunities for working in a responsible and safe way in tourism.
Establishing the Arctic Rescue Guide course was also a joint effort. The course is intended for experienced guides in the tourism industry as well as for other outdoor-minded people. The purpose of the course is, in addition to enhancing personal skills, to strengthen the cooperation between tourism companies and authorities, and to give participants training to act as a support person in search and rescue missions.
Watch a video about the Lapland Safaris rescue team here.
Mapitare Oy is another example of a service provider promoting safety in Lapland. Mapitare offers comprehensive map and location services, bespoke communication, map technology and interface services as well as operational situational picture and management systems. Their application works in northern conditions even with a weak network connection. Mapitare technology is used e.g. by the Regional Rescue Services of Lapland.
Mapitare has been involved in various safety-promoting projects and works in strong cooperation with Lapland Safaris. Mapitare and Lapland Safaris have organized joint exercises aiming for work safety.
– The company benefits from participating in projects because they enable us to build networks, which is a long-term endeavour, says Petri Särkisaari. The projects bring companies together and communicate about the importance of safety issues. Training can contribute to raising people’s awareness and to preventing accidents in the future. Cooperation opens many opportunities.
Read more about Mapitare and Lapland Safaris.