Lapland – Arctic and International highflier
The objective of the Lapland – Arctic and International highflier is to strengthen the regional capabilities for the future possibilities and challenges in order to be competitive and successful in the development. Project is aiming to encourage regional actors and SMEs confidently to develop the practises and new type of collaboration in order to be stronger in the international networks and markets. This all will require common understanding about the benefit of the internationalisation, jointly agreed actions, learning and applying to use best available knowledge to support internationalisation. Joint strategy and action plan for international collaboration will steer practical steps.
Learning from the best available practices regionally from the each other, nationally and internationally will increase the understanding and competences to apply new methods. Active participation in the different networks and forums will open new opportunities and increase the knowledge. Open-mind thinking has to be developed among the SMEs as much as among other regional actors. At the same time, we must develop the acknowledgement and recognition of the Lapland economy by producing the material and information from the region. We will support SMEs to be active in the European Cluster Excellence –programme, international matchmaking and business events.
Lapland is aiming among sparsely populated regions of EU and in the circumpolar collaboration to become most innovative and international region by 2022. Project purpose and work-packages will support this development objective.
We are inviting the businesses and other stakeholders in Lapland to develop together strong and active international Lapland. In the project, we will have four work-packages supporting the achievement of the project objectives:
- International strategic planning and implementation
- Joint learning and reviewing
- Learning from the best practices and
- Actions to support international recognisability
Regional Council of Lapland coordinates Lapland – Arctic and International highflier -project. The total funding for the project is 432,760€, of which 88,1% is funded from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The project is being implemented from 20.02.2017 to 31.3.2019.
See Regional Council of Lapland for more information (in Finnish).
Näin me se tehdään -tarinat
Kolari – luonnontuotteilla maailmalle
Visit Arctic Europe – Rajat ylittävän yhteistyön voimaa matkailumarkkinoinnissa
Luke – Lappilaisista tutkijankammioista EU-salonkeihin
Arctic Warriors – Kansainvälistä kasvua paikallisella yhteistyöllä
Lappilaiset maailmalla – Näin saat parhaan hyödyn kansainvälisistä tilaisuuksista