East-North Finland in industrial transition – Innovation Camp

University of Lapland
Yliopistonkatu 8, Rovaniemi

ENF in industrial transition Innovation Camp during 29.-30.8.2018 (ENF Innovation camp) will gather together approximately 80 people from around ENF to co-create and support the ENF to make stronger regional development polices supporting the industrial transition. Work is carried out by using the Innovation Camp methodology launch by JRC Sevilla Platform to be used as a tool to address collectively and effectively societal and economic in the process of Smart Specialisation.

Innovation Camp Methodology Handbook


Wednesday 29.8.2018

9.00-12.00. Facilitators and challenge owners meeting

  • Thought: After all the best idea is to have challenge owner from the ENF regions. Facilitators AMI/EOCIC/Lapland (we have two my colleagues and myself qualified Innovation camp facilitators).
  • Total we should have 5 challenges with necessary sub-challenges

12.00-13.00 Registration and buffet lunch

13:00 – 14.00 Opening Plenary: Convening the Camp

  • How the Camp process works
  • Brief introduction of the challenges & facilitators

Parallel working groups start the work. Each working group will have facilitator and challenge owner. Participants have been divided to working groups according their background. Each group will also have a reporter summing up the result of the working process.  Working groups will work until the end of the 2nd day (30th August). Each step (1 to VI) during days 1 and 2 are implemented as 5 separate working groups.

Coffee and snacks are available during the work

  • Challenge 1: Innovation Infrastructure and accessibility – Vincent Duchene, IdeaConsult, http://www.ideaconsult.be/, Information
  • Challenge 2: Finding the balance between smart specialisation and the resilience that comes from having a broad range of strong sectors. How to keep specialisation a strength rather than turning it into a weakness – Facilitated by Lucas Porsch, VVA, http://vva.it/ Information
  • Challenge 3: Need for innovation in the driving sectors – practices for the entrepreneurial discovery process –facilitated by Pierre Hausemer, VVA, http://vva.it/, Information
  • Challenge 4: Lack of resources for growth and development in SMEs. Additional problems caused by the aging of entrepreneurs Facilitated by Harri Malinen, University of Lapland Information and Ilari Havukainen, Regional Council of Lapland, Information

14.00 – 15.30 Step I: Exploring the challenge and the opportunities, and generating first ideas.

15:30- 17.00 Step II: Deepening understanding, enriching the ideas, converging ideas to create initial prototypes.

17.00 – 18:00 Step III: Peer-to-peer consultation

Groups present their preliminary ideas to other groups, who challenge, question, and give new ideas and impulses for further development. Groups reconvene to discuss the feedback they have received.

18:00 – 18:30 Challenge owners & facilitators meet to prepare day 2.


Thursday 30.8.2018

9.00 – 9.30 Wrap-up Day 1 Reflecting on issues from Day 1

9.30-10:00 Opening Plenary: Setting the frame for Day 2

10:00 – 12:00 Step IV:

Revisiting opportunities and sharpening insights. Integrating ideas into concrete proposals. Thinking ahead to plan real-world prototyping.

12:00 – 13:00 Lunch + coffee

13:00 – 15:30 Step V: Completing the proposals as practical prototypes. Road-mapping until October 24th 2018/31st 2018/year 2019 and foreseen the next 6 years. Mapping stakeholders & responsibilities.

15:30 – 17:00 Step VI: Plenary Presentation of the proposals by each working group. Presenting the prototypes as actionable items. – To agree presentations for the next day in the panel/debate II


18.15 Departure to the dinner

19.00-22.00 Dinner at the Lehtojärvi village house – Dressing code casual, dinner is partly organised in an informal outdoor setting


Friday 31.8.2018 – East North Finland Summit day 2 –

Languages English-Finnish

East-North Finland participating in the regions in industrial transition pilot

  • Here we will develop short introduction – 3-4 sentences explaining the purpose of the day linking with pilot
  • As well few words about the working mechanism
  • Day is facilitated by Ilari Havukainen

8.30-8.45 Welcoming and Introduction to Regions in Industrial transition, Mika Riipi, County Governor, Lapland

8.45-9.50 Session I: The role of the pilot to develop new approaches to industrial transition – provide the European Commission with evidence to underpin the future regional development

Aim of this session is to illustrate the background and current situation of the pilot exercise – to convict the politicians to understand that we are part of the exercise where we can really make an impact to future. Each participants will give their testimony about the topic (which will be agreed together), 10 min. Some questions will be develop beforehand by the facilitator and audience is invited to interfere.

  • EC seeking the new ways to boost innovation capacity in industrial transition regions? –
  • OECD workshops supporting the process – ENF in the relation of other pilot regions Debra Mountford, Local Economic and Employment Development, OECD
  • EOCIC (European Observatory for Clusters and Industrial Change) – external point of view about the ENF(analysis findings)- name TBC – Pierre Hausemer or representative from VVA Finland
  • ENF – experiences from the pilot so far –  2 representatives from ENF regions TBC (participants form the workshop. we will agree this with the ENF team in our working meeting 13-14.8)

10.20-10.30 Coffee break

11.20-11.30 Session II: The building blocks to make strong ENF in future –  ENF Industrial transition Innovation Camp results – Seeking after the joint strategic development priorities

  • Jukka Teräs, Nordregio will facilitate the session. He will be also involved in the Innovation camp as observer and will report observer’s findings and conclude the Innovation camp together with the lead facilitator Vincent Duchene, IdeaConsult AMI expert.
  • Each working group reporter will participate to the session to report main finding of the working group


Session III: Next steps in the industrial transition. How to make ENF to be stronger together? How we can capitalise the Industrial Transition pilot to build strong future – the strength of the ENF is to work together

  • Next EU programme period – What is has to offer for the ENF? Kari Aalto, Director, East & North Finland Regional office
  • ENF joint initiative to develop strong S3 strategy as delivery of the Industrial transition pilot– next steps – AMI-experts, Vincent Duchene, Team Leader and Pierre Padilla, Senior Expert, IdeaConsult
  • Strong together – What that means in practise for the ENF? How we can capitalise the Industrial transition pilot for the benefit of ENF? What should be the future resolutions?


12.30-12.45 Closing, Mika Riipi, County Governor, Lapland